Sunday 15 May 2011


What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

After asking a selection of people what they thought of our video, we have developed a stronger notion of the flaws and strong points of our music video.

There are certain aspects that we could have done better, for example, the tracking shots at the beginning of our piece were shaky. This could have been fixed had we had a steady cam. However, these are expensive to buy and our college budget does not stretch that far.

There is a scene where Emma crawls across the floor on her hands and knees. In the background you can see the curtain and plug socket in the studio where we filmed. This looks highly unprofessional. However, as we were running on a tight schedule we did not have time to re-film this section.

Somebody we asked for feedback highlighted that the video is quite repetitive. This is unavoidable, as with a solo artist, music video’s do tend to be quite repetitive. However, if we had had more time to film I think that we would have filmed in one more location to add a little bit more variety.

At the beginning of the first chorus there is a glitch in the software that causes Emma’s mouth to move out of time. This is through no fault of my own, it is an error that occurred during exporting from Adobe Premier Pro.

A lot of our audience said that their favourite part of our video was various aspects of the mise-en-scene. This made us very happy as we went a lot of trouble to create the backdrop and get the setting and atmosphere just right and this had an obvious effect on the audience as they took notice of it.

A couple of people commented on our use of fast paced editing and how the editing moves along with the pace of the song. As we put a great deal of time and effort into the editing and making it look professional and sleek this pleased us.

Regarding the print side of our coursework, we uploaded the pictures to the social networking site Facebook and asked people to comment on them with their thoughts about what they liked and what they didn't!

From the comments we recieved I think our print was quite successful however, I believe that if I had more time I would have maybe done something artistic and intricate with the background to make it appear more eyecatching and aesthetically stunning.

However, as many artists have used similar styles to the one that I presented in my Digipack, I believe that our printwork is both authentic and attractive.

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