Wednesday 11 May 2011

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Both the front and inside page of my newspaper follow typical conventions of existing newspapers...
Firstly my logo, i noticed that most logos have the main word in a bold large text with the smaller word above it in either a sans-serif font or just a smaller block font. I also noticed that alot of newspaper logos have a block of colour behind them, i liked this idea as it rounds them off as a logo rather than looking like a headline for an article....

This is my final logo for my newspaper, as you can see there is a clear influence from the Wigan Evening Post with its colour scheme and layout. I liked this layout best as i thought it stood out as a local paper by having the town name in a bold large text and the name was finished off with 'telegraph' smaller above this word, i also like how telegraph is written in blue so that even though it's smaller it still stands out. Overall my logo uses typical conventions of a newspaper logo.

This is an existing newspaper of what i modeled my front page around. I followed all of the conventions such as the logo in the top left corner, an advertising banner underneath the logo, a banner advert at the bottom of the page, and a story next to the logo
The main reasons I decided to stick with normal conventions for my front page was the fact that i like the layout of the articles, having a main image with a large headline underneath it and a small section of the story to the right. I also liked the feature of the sub-story along the left hand side of the page, this isn't a regular convention of local newspapers, however i felt that it looked effective and brought another interesting aspect to the page enticing more than one audience.

Kizoa slideshow: my adverts - Slideshow
Click the image to view the slide show of how my adverts follow typical conventions.

When creating my poster i followed conventions of existing newspaper posters such as; including a slogan, a price and using the same colour scheme as the rest of my products aswel as those reasons i also made my poster in a shape used in many of the posters in my research as barely any were typical paper sizes.

Another way i followed conventions was by having my image match my slogan, 'local news means the world to us' with an image of a ball covered in newspaper with the continents edited onto it. Although my poster follows conventions, it also challenges them as i havent seen a poster with a similar image to the one i created. I thought it was a good idea to create something different so that it doesnt blend in with the rest of the newspapers and will stand out as something new.

This small video shows how my radio advert both challenges and follows conventions.

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