Wednesday 18 May 2011

Question Four

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

When making our newspaper adverts we used Adobe Photoshop CS5. It was useful in editing images, and in constructing adverts, adjusting the layout through using the different layers. Each of the adverts are examples of the ways we have used Photoshop in our project. We also used Microsoft Publisher in creating some of our more simplistic adverts.
We also used it when creating our poster. It was particularly useful when creating the title reflection in the water:

After uploading each of the photos to Facebook, we used this as an outlet to gain peoples opinions on each of the different posters we had created. This is an example of the way we used technology in researching and gaining feedback.

We used Adobe Premier CS5 pro when creating our radio advert.
After using Audacity to record the advert script we added each to Premier where we edited them, equalizing the volume and adding effects such as fade in/out.

Blogger has obviously been one of the technologies we have used, in uploading our day to day progress and the ways in which we came to our final product.
However, due to the problems that gave occurred with Blogger over the past weeks we used some alternative technologies to document our progress, such as Microsoft Office Powerpoint.

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