Wednesday 18 May 2011

Question Three

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

One of the methods of feedback we used was when we uploaded each of the posters we had created on to facebook. A number of people posted on the image as to which they prefered, mainly suggesteg that poster 2 was the better of the three. The reasons behind this choice were all similar, this is an example of what someone posted:

'I like poster 2 :) it is much more clear that the boat is being floated on water, and the shadow of the boat doesnt distract attention from the text'

We took on board what was said, as we did earlier in the creation of our coursework when choosing a title. We understood what was said about poster one, which proved to be the least popular as some suggested the use of the black background defated the object of the boat being 'floated'.

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